Mid-Michigan Technician Group

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MMTG is a professional organization for technician and technologist working in the chemistry related industries, and for students actively pursuing a degree in the field of chemistry, in the Mid-Michigan area.  MMTG is affiliated with the Midland Section of the ACS.

The Executive Board of the MMTG works very hard to serve MMTG members and provide valuable seminars, workshops, networking opportunities and the other services you receive as a result of your membership.  The dramatic growth of MMTG over just the past few years has allowed even greater opportunity to expand our list of offerings, and provide ever increasing value to members.  For example, last year the MMTG hosted events such as:

  *    seminars on improving report writing techniques, improving presentation skills, technical poster preparation and presentation, coping with change, and maintaining a positive attitude

  *    presentations of the advantages/disadvantages of leaving the ranks of Technologist to pursue an advanced degree or higher company position

  *    social events


  If you've taken advantage of your membership in MMTG to attend in any of these events, I'm sure you found them interesting, informative, and valuable.  This year we intend to continue to offer seminars that will enhance the skills and effectiveness of MMTG members, as well as continue to offer opportunities for members to practice their skills and display their talents.  Networking opportunities will also continue to be a focus.


  However, the increasing number of activities in which MMTG is trying to participate also increases the effort and time required by the organizers.  This is where you come in.  In order to continue to provide the seminars and services members enjoy, MMTG is in rather serious need of volunteers.


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